Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Essay 2071

Driving Change with a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• The Justice Department released a study showing cops search Black and Latino motorists more than White motorists. Blacks are three times as likely and Latinos are twice as likely to be searched versus Whites. “There are countless reasons or circumstances that could lead police to conduct a search after making a traffic stop,” said the study’s author. “There’s really no way for us to say this is clearly evidence of racial profiling.” The Justice Department, like Lady Justice, is blind.

• It’s May Day March Madness. Demonstrations for immigration reform are planned to roll out nationwide, as folks have organized marches, meetings and voter registration drives. “If we don’t act, then both the Democratic and Republican parties can go back to their comfort zones and do nothing,” said the director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles. “They won’t have the courage to resolve a major situation for millions of people.” A word of advice: based on the recent study released by the Justice Department, avoid driving to your local demonstration.

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