Banned news in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…
• The King does not rule in the U.K. The British have a ban on kids’ advertising that could wind up costing Burger King $196 million. The fast feeder’s head of northwest Europe said, “… advertising is a key part of our drive to get kids and families into our restaurants. It will have a major impact on our top line.” Hey, you can’t always have it your way.
• Universal Studios Theme Parks have banned trans fats from the food served to visitors. No plans yet to force Shrek to diet. Wonder if Universal Studios has the guts to ban trans fats from product placement shots in its TV programs and movies.
• The chief executives of Ford Motor Company and Toyota Motor Company allegedly held a powwow last week, although the issues discussed remain unknown. “We meet regularly with other automakers on a variety of topics of mutual interest,” said a Ford spokesman. “We don’t discuss the content of these meetings.” Bill Ford probably just wanted to know if he could get a deal on a new Corolla.
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