Almost missed this gem. Sanford Moore commented at The Big Tent in response to the O&M-NAACP story.
On the day after Bill Thompson, the NYC Comptroller, sent letters to 46 Corporate CEOs and their Boards demanding that they move to end the discriminatory policies of their ad agencies toward minority broadcasters and toward minority employees/executives, this “happening” occurs. If the issues were not so crucial, the initiatives announced by Ogilvy and the behavior of Rev. Sharpton would be laughable...instead of being obscene. Does Rev. Sharpton have to “grin & skin,” anoint John Seifert “brother” to get a paltry $10k for the NAACP, which should refuse such a tainted and niggardly contribution? Let us not forget that Ogilvy, when it was the prime contractor on the Office of Anti-Drug Policy, only saw fit to allocate some .017% of the $120m in media dollars to Black media while Blacks represent the vast majority of offenders imprisoned for drug offenses. Ogilvy’s record on Black employment transcends discrimination...it is criminal. Its media buying policies have helped create a “separate and unequal” media reality for minority broadcasters. Finally, Rev. Sharpton’s callous behavior while visiting the “big house” is inexcusable and unforgivable. Methinks it is time for Rev. Sharpton to stop taking donations from the “Mad Men in the Grey Flannel Sheets” who marginalize his people and the radio stations his show is on.
Sanford Moore
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