Well, that didn’t take long. After The Big Tent reported on The One Club’s plan to stage another “Where Are All The Black People?” event, and Rev. Al Sharpton showed support for the effort, the post received an immediate culturally clueless comment. Brian Morris of New York remarked, “ask al where tawana brawley is.” In hindsight, it was pretty odd for The One Club to recruit Sharpton as a backer of the initiative. Heaven forbid the clique clubbers might have videotaped endorsements from, say, actual industry leaders. Hell, the list of sponsors and partners labeled key contributors as Creative Advocates and Talent Scouts. Morris probably views Sharpton as an opportunistic con artist. Yet when it comes to diversity in the advertising field, the charlatans, liars and bona fide bigots posing as champions of inclusion make Sharpton look like an amateur.
You can't support diversity efforts and then turn around and demand that the industry be sued via Madison Ave Project. My guess is the folks at the oneclub gave MR.Sharpton a fat check. Everybody has a price. Nothing significant will come out of this probably just internships and at best entry level postions. Blacks fear whites more than white fear blacks. Its obvious. Every generation has its "diveristy" leaders then they fade away. Then the new generation comes along. they repeat the process again. People are dumb enough to not figure it out. Well the jokes on them until they do.
Dammit, if you know its a trap why do they still fall for it for so many years? Ever notice that every diversity officer or person has a weird smile on their face. THey know their being lied to. These agencies,clients, and marketeters dont want to hire black people. Its beyond the point of begging, how many of these events do they need to get the point, the advertising industry wants nothing to do with them. Al sharpton is looking for a check. He himself knows these people are not going to change. Pay of a few(al sharpton), screw over thousands of oblivious black applicants.
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