Take No Offense — It’s Just A MultiCultClassics Monologue…
• The New York Post published a story featuring friends and foes trying to explain Michael Richards’ racist rant (see Essay 1354). Folks paint a portrait of a demanding and abusive individual. One person said Richards is a punctuality freak who “gets very upset if he doesn’t go up [on stage] when he’s scheduled to go up. He’s very tightly wound.” Another former associate claims the comic gets pissed off “when someone disagrees with his point of view.” A comedienne related a run-in with Richards after she accidentally knocked over his tape recorder while on set at a comedy club. “You will never work in this town again. I’ll make sure of that, you little cunt,” quoted the comedienne. “You’re a cunt, cunt, cunt, dirty little cunt, on and on, and I starting thinking to myself, you know, I only accept those kinds of terms of endearment from my dad or grandma, not from some prick who is using his fame to be a dick!” Even the Rev. Al Sharpton weighed in, calling Richards’ apology on David Letterman’s show “unacceptable.” Sharpton said, “[He] should apologize to the people to whom his remarks were directed and most offended. … In all due respect to David Letterman, it seems strange that one would insult African-Americans in a long tirade and then go on a white television show with a mostly white studio and viewing audience to make a statement of apology.” Note to Sharpton: When confronting Richards, make sure not to interrupt him or knock over any tape recorders.
• Six Muslims were removed from a Minneapolis flight when fellow passengers expressed concern after the group prayed in the terminal. Additionally, a passenger claimed hearing the group criticizing the U.S. and speaking angrily. Security asked the men to leave the airplane. “The police came and take us off the plane in front of all the passengers in a very humiliating way,” said a group member. “I never felt bad in my life like yesterday. It was the worst moment in my life when I see six imams, six leaders in this community, humiliated.” Let’s hope these guys don’t wind up at a Michael Richards comedy club appearance.
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