Explanations, apologies and assorted mea culpas in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…
• Michael Richards hired New York publicist Howard Rubenstein, who arranged conferences with Black leaders. Jesse Jackson received a phone call and reported that Richards expressed “his remorse and his confusion. … He’s embarrassed. He got caught on tape. That’s a big part of his anxiety now.” Rubenstein proclaimed, “Michael apologized profusely. … He wants to heal the tremendous wound that he’s inflicted on the American public and on the African-American community. … I think it was a positive discussion.” Yes, Richards undoubtedly communicated his sincere remorse to all Afro-Americans.
• O.J. Simpson admitted, “I did it” — for the money. “It’s all blood money and unfortunately I had to join the jackals,” said Simpson, referring to authors of books about him. “[Payments from the cancelled book and TV program] helped me get out of debt and secure my homestead.” Simpson showed little remorse and insisted, “I’ve been pimped for 12 years. Everyone’s made money on me.” Not sure Fred Goldman would agree with that, although Simpson had words for him too. “[The Goldmans] have become professional victims. America, you’re being duped by these people.” Well, there’s no argument that Simpson is an expert on duplicity.
• The Los Angeles City Council voted to settle another discrimination lawsuit involving the Fire Department. This time, a former firefighter accused the organization of age discrimination. Charges included being subjected to derogatory remarks; plus, a superior once instructed other station members to “make sure that you vacuum up all that dead skin around the [plaintiff’s and other older firefighters’] beds.” Los Angeles will pay the former firefighter $350,000. Maybe Michael Richards should consider a career switch to firefighting.
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