Campaign published a video interview with Cindy Gallop, who hawked her MakeLoveNotPorn site—indirectly inspired by her personal fetish of fornicating with significantly younger partners. The site has apparently experienced an orgasmic spike in visitors during the COVID-19 crisis, presenting another example of pseudo industry leaders capitalizing on a global pandemic. It’s also another example of Gallop’s annoying hypocrisy. After all, if any adman publicly flaunted their sexual exploits and promoted pornography, his immediate—and rightful—expulsion from the field would come via demands by screeching banshees like Gallop.
Cindy Gallop on MakeLoveNotPorn’s revamped site, the need for braver brands and more
By Lindsay Stein
The well-known industry veteran shares insights for agencies, brands and young people.
Tech entrepreneur, former BBH exec, diversity and inclusion activist, TED Talk speaker, the self-proclaimed “Michael Bay of business.”
Cindy Gallop’s career has many highlights, but one aspect she’s particularly passionate about is her work on sex positive education through MakeLoveNotPorn, which she founded over a decade ago.
MLNP—a site where people can express themselves through social sex in a safe space—just went through a refresh. And the timing is perfect since Gallop said she’s seen a 33 percent increase in daily users over the last four weeks of self-quarantining, as well as a 20 percent jump in revenue.
In addition to sharing the ins and outs of the revamped site, Gallop joins Campaign US on Pillow Talk to chat through how brands can be bolder with their advertising, why gender and diversity issues should improve in the aftermath of COVID-19 and much more.
The Campaign article included a painfully pathetic video featuring Gallop’s self-promotional pap.
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