This actual craigslist ad seeks a perfessional agent-lawyer to work with a budding screenwriter. Given that the person can’t even spell author or possible, it’s a safe bet the screenplay won’t be landing in Steven Spielberg’s lap anytime soon. Oh, and the compensation is no pay—otherwise, you would be a professional.
looking for a perfessional agent
Reply to: littlemike38@yahoo.com
Date: 2008-12-19, 1:19PM CST
I am looking for a perfessional AGENT and ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER that is skilled and licensed to do the job. I am in the process of writing the screenplay for an arthur who is putting production to his book. Please email as soon as possibile. Thank you.
• Location: chgo
• It’s NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
• Compensation: no pay
1 comment:
(Woulda responded sooner but I was busy putting production to a few things.)
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