Leave it to a digital agency to deem a chatbot as being their most qualified, talented, likeable and ambitious employee. Sadly, it’s probably true. The description below confirms the place is comprised of unqualified, talentless, dislikeable and unambitious humans.
I am blue by morning. Green by noon. And grey by night. What am I? Ahem! I’m DDB & Tribal Vietnam’s new chatbot. Sure, I can do a lot more than just change background colours. I can show you our work, connect you to our social media pages and put you in touch with our Managing Director. Some may even say I have a lot of power in my hands. Speaking of hands, I don’t have any. But I am armed with a lot of pickup lines. And when I’m not busy listening to hardcore death metal, I like regaling internet strangers with tales about our agency. If you pop over looking for funny cat videos, I won’t bother saying hello. By the by, have you seen that cat doing that little cat thing on Instagram? Ha. To keep me company, check out ddbtribal.vn
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