Seems like this Antonio Banderas fragrance would appeal to Tiger Woods.
Title: Long term article/blog writer needed
Project ID: 000000
Category: Writing, Editing & Translation
I am seeking a writer who can write informative, interesting, if not fascinating articles on various water filtration methods and the benefits of healthy water. If you are very good at writing about diverse subjects and enjoy this kind of writing, then we will enjoy working together. Obviously previous experience writing about water filtration will be valued.
The project consists of:
Writing new articles for specific keyword phrases that I provide to you. The articles will be in a simple text format (*.txt). I will supply a topic and a list of keyword phrases to base the writing of new articles on. The length of each article should be a minimum of 600 words and up to 800 (or a bit longer if necessary). The finished articles must be delivered free of spelling errors and grammatically correct.
Each new article will consist of:
1. A headline
2. A sub-headline (tag line)
3. Body copy
The main keyword phrase MUST be contained in the title of the article and in the first and last sentence of the article. Derivatives of the keyword phrase along with other related keywords (i.e. in the keyword list provided to you) should also be used a number of times in the main body of the article, but all additional usage should be natural and not forced. In other words, just write the article as if you are not trying to incorporate the keywords, but afterwards make sure that some of them made it into the body copy.
I will request that each writer submit 4 articles for a keyword phrase that I will supply and 2 blog posts as well (300-500 words on any topic you wish to do with water filtration).
Each candidate will be paid $5 per article and $2.50 per blog post for a total of $25 via safepay escrow. The final candidate(s) will be chosen based on their writing sample. The final candidate will be offered future work with us depending on the article quality. Remember when writing your sample – QUALITY IS ALWAYS BETTER THAN QUANTITY – Therefore do not rush in order to get an article in as quick as you can. High quality work will always be rewarded higher than quick work. These articles are to be written for everyday consumers, therefore, each article should avoid technical terms or explain technical terms with simple examples. Each article must be interesting and /or fascinating and provide the reader helpful hints or tips which they implement regarding the subject matter. Each article must provide at least one piece of information that is not common knowledge. Each article MUST BE ORIGINAL. All articles will be subjected to copyscape, therefore copyright will be penalized immediately. The style and voice of the article should be interesting, conversational, filled with everyday language and expressions. These articles are written for Middle America, you should explain things like explaining them to a child without talking down to the reader.
1) All work delivered must be original and absolutely not violate any copyright. Service Provider must agree to indemnify Buyer and take full responsibility for any costs of any copyright infringement action including damages and attorney's fees should they occur. This should be no problem if your work is original.
2) Service Provider agrees to keep the nature of his / her writing assignments and the fact that the articles will be published under the name of the Buyer strictly confidential.
3) All work shall be delivered to the Buyer in individual text files as the article is completed, and shall be spell checked, and fact checked.
4) All deliverables will be considered "work made for hire" under U.S. Copyright law. Seller will assign and Buyer will receive exclusive and complete copyrights to all work purchased. (No GPL, GNU, 3rd party components, etc. unless all copyright ramifications are explained AND AGREED TO by the buyer on the site per the coder's Seller Legal Agreement).
5) All work must start within 3 business days of award, and must be completed at a minimum rate of 3 completed articles per U.S. business day after the start date. To be clear on this point you will be expected to have e-mailed 3 separate article e-mail before 11:59 P.M. PST each business day excluding holidays.
Rainbow PUSH urges Burger King to re-hire black and Hispanic ad agencies
The Chicago-based Rainbow PUSH Coalition (RPC), headed by the Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, issued a statement last week asking Burger King to reconsider its plan as quoted in news accounts dropping advertising assignments to its African-American and Hispanic ad agencies of record.
The PUSH demand comes after the New York Times quoted Burger King’s top marketing executives as saying they believe the expertise of ethnic ad shops is not necessary because “younger African-American and Hispanic consumers don’t necessarily see the world as ethnically divided, but rather as ‘a melting pot.’”
Janice L. Mathis, RPC vice president and counsel, said, “The remarks attributed to Burger King’s chief marketing officer Mike Kapitt are so inappropriate that we believe there must be a better explanation of the company’s recent advertising decisions.”
While saying that the fast food operator has done a “descent job” in applying diversity and equal opportunity to other aspects of its business, Mathis said, “We think this move to end the relationships with minority ad agencies is a mistake.”
Rainbow PUSH is asking Burger King to complete its diversity and inclusion survey to determine exactly what the company’s business relationship is with the minority community. It is also requesting a meeting to discuss the agency firings.
In addition to announcing that it was cutting its ad assignments to UniWorld Group and LatinWorks, Burger King said it intended to have African-American ads to be created by Wunderman and its Hispanic advertising done by Crispin Porter & Bogusky.
Mathis responded, “There is something deeply troubling about the assumption that white agencies can communicate with everyone and black and brown agencies can communicate only with racial and ethnic minority customers. If there was going to be a change, minority-owned agencies should have been invited to compete for the general market business.
“There is also something grotesquely unfair,” Mathis continued, “about relegating black and brown consumers to the role of customers in the apparent belief that whites are most competent to serve as advertising consultants to everyone.”
Title: Direct Response Sales Letter
Project ID: 000000
Category: Writing, Editing & Translation
I want to write a Direct Response Sales Letter that make small business owners to call me or visit the website to hire my services on “How to Increase their sales in record time.” I am looking for someone with experience and result track record of their sales letter successes! My service consists of door to door advertising. It’s got to be a letter that makes people buy! I am also looking to produce this letter in a Spanish version so please keep that in mind. I am looking for “out of this world” concepts, creativity with result I can count on.
Title: Copywriting for Website
Project ID: 000000
Category: Writing, Editing & Translation
I need an accomplished and strong copywriter to write content for a website I own which is a popular ski resort town in the US.
The content will range from informational articles to specific articles about resorts, hotels, condos and units in the town.
Additionally there will be smaller articles (300 words) required for some of the pages such as the resort pages, hotel pages, and those which list actual condos and units the user can then book from.
There are 206 total articles to be written. Of those, about 50 will be 300 word articles.
I am only looking for someone with Travel – specifically hotel review and travel writing experience.
I need someone who can commit to having these articles within a period of 10 days total upon project completion. The articles must solely be written by you.
Title: 25 articles @ $5 Fitness & Nutrition
Project ID: 0000000
Category: Writing, Editing & Translation
I would like 25 articles concerning diet, fitness, nutrition, workouts etc.
Each article should be 500-550 words, Written in a conversational style.
I will pay $5 per article
For Inspiration checkout www.menshealth.com for more ideas on what to write.
You can get Article Templates here:
And here is an article example
The articles MUST MUST be original content not copied from others sites, etc.
You agree that I publish the article with my name or my pseudonym.
English be your first language
Titles for the articles will be the following:
7 Simple Ways To Cut Carbs
Why You Need To Cut Carbs To Stay Lean
Do Waist Trimmer Belts Really Work?
Burn Fat Not Time = (Article talking about the merits of interval training)
The 20-Minute Workout (Interval training workout)
the 3 Rules of Lean Eating
Interval Training Do’s and Dont’s
3 Protein-Packed Recipes
3 Belly Busting Recipes (mens health style lean meats vegetables etc.)
Vibration Plates Do They Work?
Smash Your Belly fat With This Killer Exercise (pros of Heavy Bag Boxing etc.)
The Ab Workout (intensive ab workout routine)
Exercise Without Weights - No Gym Required (workouts using your own body weight)
Lose the Belly With These 4 Proven Exercises (They Work)
7 Easy Full-Body Exercises to Do at Home
6 Eating Rules for 6-Pack Abs
3 Perfect Protein-Packed Snacks
3 Great Foods That Chisel Abs (benefits of Broccoli, Steak, Oatmeal)
6 Ways To Stick To Your Workout
4 Habits to Carve a 6-Pack
4 Hunger Busting Foods
Good carbs vs bad carbs (Good carbs are whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and beans. Bad
carbs full of sugar and white flour)
How to Lose Weight without losing your muscle mass How To eat 6 meals a day and still lose weight!
Cardio and Weight Training – How Often Should I Exercise?
All 25 articles to be completed within 7 days of start
Each article is $5, so that’s $125 in Total
Thank you,
Carl Marley
BP must address seafood
BP’s decision to provide $13 million to monitor the effects of its oil spill on Louisiana seafood for three years falls far short of what is needed to restore confidence in this critical, $4 billion industry, and the state is right to press the oil giant for more.
Two months ago, Gov. Bobby Jindal’s administration asked BP to fund a five-year, $173 million long-term comprehensive seafood certification and marketing plan. The plan includes options of renewing every three years up to 20 based on three criteria: the results of tissue samples, landings that are at or above pre-spill levels and a restored market, with the overall value of seafood at or above pre-disaster levels.
“This is an important first step—and we thank BP for this investment,” Gov. Jindal said about the $13 million, which will be used to monitor the spill’s effect on Louisiana fisheries. “However, this is only a first step, and we need the next step to happen in the next days or the next week—not next month or next year,” Gov. Jindal said.
What the state is requesting is reasonable, and it’s discouraging that BP has not yet agreed to it. Monitoring alone won’t restore consumer confidence in Louisiana’s seafood. People need to know that the seafood harvested off our shores is being tested and found safe. That will require an aggressive marketing effort, but BP has not addressed that.
“We want the world to know that Louisiana seafood is not only safe, but continues to be the best seafood in the world,” Gov. Jindal said.
The governor’s concern is well-placed. Kevin Adams, a representative of Alaska’s seafood industry, recounted the damage that the Exxon Valdez oil spill did to the image of his state’s seafood at a meeting of marketing experts and seafood safety scientists in New Orleans earlier this month. He said it took 10 years to reverse the negative perception.
Restaurateur Ralph Brennan, who also attended that meeting, suggested asking BP how much it’s spending to rehabilitate its corporate image after the spill and “ask them to match that for us.”
Gov. Jindal called the seafood industry “unique and integral to our economy and the very fabric of our state.” That’s not an exaggeration, and BP must not ignore the damage it has done to Louisiana’s brand.
Arby’s Goes Into Play
Chain spent close to $130 mil. last year in measured media
By David Gianatasio
The casual-dining category continues to be in flux, as Arby’s today launched a review of its creative assignment.
The incumbent, Omnicom Group’s Merkley + Partners in New York, is not defending. Merkley has handled the account since 2004.
Arby’s spent $128 million in major measured media last year, down from $140 million-plus in ‘08, per Nielsen. Ad spending in the first half of 2010 was slightly more than $50 million.
EBJ International Consultants in Dallas is overseeing the process.
Wendy’s/Arby’s, the parent firm, last week reported a 4 percent second-quarter revenue slide to $877 million compared to the same period a year ago. Most of the blame was placed on the poor performance of Arby’s, where revenue fell $28 million vs. Q2 ‘09. (Publicis Groupe’s The Kaplan Thaler Group added the Wendy’s ad assignment last year.)
“We are deeply involved in analysis and consumer research that will result in the evolution of the Arby’s brand vision and positioning,” said Hala Moddelmog, client president. “With that work nearly completed, this is a natural time to introduce fresh thinking in our brand positioning and brand messaging.”
The review process should finish up by year’s end. Media chores, with IPG’s Initiative, are not in play.
The category has been especially active of late. Red Lobster concluded the review of creative chores on its $115 million account yesterday, naming WPP Group’s Grey in New York, which already worked for its parent company. Denny’s $60 million business is currently in play. And numerous smaller chains—Boston Market, Bojangles and Church’s Chicken, among others—have also made shifts and/or launched new campaigns.
Position: Digital ACD / CD
Location: City of Chicago
Status: Full Time
Rate: 6 figures
Job Description:
Our client is a hot player in the digital space and they are looking for equally hot creative management talent to bring them to the blazing level!
They are looking for the next generation Digital lead. Someone who has the energy and capacity to work only under the C-suite to build a legendary shop.
ONLY apply if you are hungry, in-demand, intrigued, have a portfolio that demonstrates borderline genius.
We want those that don’t need this opportunity, but who want to hear more about it because they hunger for a creative building challenge!
• Exceptional leadership abilities… someone who is constructive, charismatic, smart and committed to producing high quality user-centric digital experiences.
• A strong graphic design background and an extensive portfolio of top notch creative executions in the interactive space.
• Experience leading teams of 5-10 creatives, including designers, developers, animators and video production teams.
• At least 8-10 years experience in interactive.
• The ability to concept innovative interactive solutions.
• Strong client presentation skills.
• A keen awareness of current industry trends.
• Experience designing and/or leading the development of interactive projects for fortune 500 companies.
Title: The Truth About AKA
Project ID: 0000000
Category: Writing, Editing & Translation
As a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated for 4 years, I took part in years of ritualistic and occultist activities. Unbeknownst to me at the time, I was a member of an organization that celebrated self-praise and pagan worship. I became privy to decades of sorority secrets and rituals that are often held from the general public. As a born again Christian, I became aware of my idolatry and immediately denounced my affiliation to such organizations. I was able to link sorority rituals, handshakes, and symbols to those of ancient pagan cultures and masonic organizations. As a Christian, I have made it my personal duty to open the eyes of those distracted by the colorful greek lettered jackets and cover ups of “sisterhood” and “brotherhood” to the dark, demonic reality of these organizations. I am looking for someone who would be willing to ghostwrite this book for me. I can pay up to $300. I propose the book will be a little less than 150 pages and there is no requirement for experience as long as you have a love for writing. :) Hope to hear from you soon!
Burger King Again Consolidates Agency Assignments
By Stuart Elliott
Two months after consolidating some major advertising assignments, the Burger King Corporation is paring its agency roster again, this time affecting agencies that specialize in marketing to African-American and Hispanic consumers.
The changes, to be announced on Tuesday afternoon, are indicative of a trend that has accelerated as younger consumers, who are often less likely to use traditional labels of race and ethnicity, have become more of a force in the consumer marketplace. As a result, advertisers are rethinking their decades-long approach of assigning duties for minority markets to agencies that specialize in those markets.
Those shifts, by advertisers like Home Depot, have stirred spirited discussion, however, as some shops that are owned by members of minority groups call it ill-advised to remove them from agency rosters in favor of general-market or mainstream agencies.
Burger King is making the changes “based on where our consumer is,” Mike Kappitt, chief marketing officer for North America, said in a phone interview, particularly when considering “the X and Y generations” and their beliefs in the “melting pot.”
Consolidating the assignments will provide “a consistent voice,” he added, without overlooking minority consumers.
Leo Leon, vice president for marketing impact at the Burger King North American operations, estimated that a third of the United States population is composed of minority-group members.
“We felt the right decision for Burger King is to address all our consumers as a whole,” he added, “instead of taking a segmented approach.”
Burger King will consolidate the duties to create campaigns for adults, whatever their ethnicity, at Crispin Porter & Bogusky in Miami and Boulder, Colo., The agency, owned by MDC Partners, is responsible for ads aimed at the general market and has also been creating most ads aimed at black consumers.
The decision means that LatinWorks in Austin, Tex., will no longer create campaigns for Burger King aimed at Hispanic consumers. And the UniWorld Group in Brooklyn, N.Y., which has been creating some national radio campaigns aimed at the African-American market, will relinquish those duties as well.
Burger King will continue to run ads for Hispanics in Spanish as well as English, Mr. Leon said, adding that Crispin Porter had already “helped out a little” with the creation of ads in Spanish.
Although LatinWorks is losing its Burger King business, it was named last week as the new Hispanic creative agency in the United States for the Chevrolet division of General Motors.
Burger King is also consolidating the assignment for what is known as field marketing, which involves sending agency representatives into local and regional markets to help a company sell goods and products on the grass-roots level.
The assignment, which had been divided between UniWorld and Wunderman, part of the Young & Rubicam Brands division of WPP, will now be handled solely by Wunderman. Most of the field team members at UniWorld who currently work on the Burger King account who will be offered jobs at Wunderman, the Burger King executives said.
Although the Burger King executives did not disclose the spending for the assignments that are being shifted, they said that they planned to increase the amount of money spent on ads aimed at black and Hispanic consumers by more than 30 percent.
The last time Burger King trimmed its agency roster came in June, when Burger King dismissed Campbell Mithun in Minneapolis, part of the Interpublic Group of Companies, which had been handling ads aimed at children and families. That assignment was consolidated at Pitch, an agency in Culver City, Calif., that has been the promotions agency of record for Burger King.
The changes in the Burger King agency line-up come after the hiring of a new global chief marketing officer, Natalia Franco, who had worked at Coca-Cola.