Copywrite, Ink. presented a thoughtful perspective on the Steve Biegel versus Dentsu case, drawing one response that reflects the racism festering in the fiasco.
Here’s the comment:
Anonymous said...
This is the [classic] example of blaming the accuser. Fact: Japanese businessmen go on these excursions regularly. Fact: This guy says he reported it to his boss. Fact: He has witnesses. Let’s see what Weitz says in court. And the employees who were coerced into the bath. Let’s see what they say in court. How many American companies are going to hire this Japanese company now? They are the ones whose credibility is questioned. And will always be questioned, even if they put their multi-million dollar legal machine to work and defeat him with pr spin. What specific claim did they deny anyway?
Let’s face it. The claims are not that unreasonable based on typical Japanese business practices, are they?
Let’s hope Anonymous is not closely associated with Biegel and his attorney. After all, Biegel charges he’s the victim of sexual harassment and discrimination rooted in anti-Semitism. It would be unfortunate to discover the Biegel crew is covertly fighting bias with bias.
Anonymous also compounds cultural cluelessness with corporate cluelessness. Surely the writer doesn’t naïvely believe Madison Avenue honchos have never solicited prostitutes with coworkers. Heaven forbid they might ever frequent Times Square gentlemen’s clubs with clients. No, that sort of perverted activity is exclusive to the mysterious and obscene Japanese businessmen.
As for Americans rejecting Japanese companies, well, let’s consider how Toyota is fast overtaking the U.S. automakers. Perhaps Anonymous is confusing anti-Chinese with anti-Japanese business sentiments. Then again, they probably all look alike to Anonymous.
Thanks for the mention and your take on the comment.
I felt the same way. It doesn't make sense how some have used the Biegel case to vilify Japanese companies and culture while part of Biegel's case relies on faith-based discrimination. If we assume Biegel has a case on that particular issue, he seemed to show equal intolerance to his employer.
While this will not receive nearly as much attention as the Roehm v. WalMart case, it still seems to be of interest to the advertising industry at large because it tends to be more Hollywood than Main Street than many other industries.
Nice take on the piece.
In thinking about this issue given that a District Court judge rejected Dentsu's motion for a summary judgment in the case of Steve Biegel v. Dentsu Holdings, I thought I might add a quick clarification to my comment.
I was addressing any immediate revulsion to the acceptance of bathhouses and prostitution where it is legal, specifically, and not necessarily any forced participation as Biegel’s case alleges. For example, I live in a state where prostitution is legal rural areas. That’s not my bag. However, far be it for me to judge others whose bad it might be.
Based on Biegel's charges, Dentsu will probably be interested in opening an office in your state's rural areas.
Just did a post on AdScam you might enjoy.
Japan has the history of producing hit products that becomes the toast of the town so attracting consumer with low prices for such products is not helpful. People now care less about the price. Also, low wages and skillful labors give Japan an edge over other countries for investments.
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