The AD Club’s Twitter page salutes PepsiCo Global Beverage Group President Brad Jakeman as the 2015 Advertising Person Of The Year. Really? Is the dubious honor a result of Jakeman’s diversity drivel or his gender equality jive delivered at the latest ANA Masters of Marketing soiree? It certainly can’t be for the thoroughly mediocre brand advertising created in recent years.
White Clients(or white man) sick of looking at all white ad agencies during meetings, but still using those agencies ideas year after year . OH the hypocrisy. Give this man an ADCOLOR award! What a trailblazer!
Where's the AD Club survey results they promised? I'm guessing they were so bad, this is why they are bending over backwards to do all these vague "diversity" initiatives, so it looks like they're doing something at least.
FCB's "Global Talent Officer" is getting in on the charade http://www.campaignlive.com/article/whats-name/1371042.
It's funny how she doesn't mention any statistical evidence that they're doing anything to increase diversity.
Tiffany Warren's getting in on the vagueness too. Again, no statistical evidence of helping change the numbers, just vaguely throwing numbers out like, "We oversee 1700 companies, we have 65,000 employees, so it is exciting to match someone who has the right skill set blah blah blah" in the organization.
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